Sunday, January 25, 2009

Effective Communication Skills

Firstly, with effective communication skills I am more confident with myself. I am able to deal with many problems. For example, if I were lost in a street, I am not shy to ask for directions. Apart from that, with the confidence that I have in my communication skills, I am not afraid to do interviews for jobs. I know how to convey my messages clearly and how to attract the interviewers’ attention. There would not be any misunderstandings if effective communication skills are developed.

In my daily life, sometimes I need to communicate with people of different age groups namely children, teenagers, adults and elderly. Each of these different age groups requires a different way of communication. For example, simple words are needed to be used when I am talking to young children. On the other hand, communicating with a teenager is a totally different story. They tend to use slang in most of their conversations or abbreviations in text messages. Therefore, to communicate with them, it is important for me to understand their “language” in order for an effective communication to take place. However, I definitely can not use the way we talk to teenagers with the elderly. Therefore, developing communication skills is important to me as I can learn how to communicate with everyone despite the age groups difference.


  1. hello cher,

    Its cheesy but i'm secretly happy that i'm the one "popping the cherry" for your article. Kudos to your post at being precise and to the point, it is interesting to see how you actually recorded the your personal thoughts pertaining to effective communication. From your post i can tell your an extremely confident girl, which is an excellent thing of course.

    Perhaps you could add a hint of humor in your post?


  2. This is a good post, Cher, as you zoom right in on your own needs. My only reaction is that if you had provided a bit more context, for your current communication context as you relate your needs, for example, this would have been a more complete story.

    Thanks for the effort!

  3. Hey Cher!
    your post had mentioned an area which most of us had overlooked, which is the communication difficulties when trying to communicate between different age group. That's a very important point raised up i must say! However it would definely be way more exciting if you could relate that to some of your own personal thoughts and experiences? Would love to hear more from you!

  4. And this is ShiHui by the way. Good day!

  5. Hi Cher,

    Thanks for the refreshingly concise post! You really have tried to go to the heart of the matter immediately.

    Your points are concise and clear, effective communication is important to you because you want to do well at job interviews and relate to people from other age groups.

    It will be good if you had illustrated why it is important for you to relate to people of different age groups effectively. Is it because you have a large family at home? Or do you volunteer at some community work centre?

    Looking forward to hearing from you!


  6. Hello my blogging buddy,

    This is a nicely written post I have to say. You gave us an insight on how important it is to know what are the correct things to say and how to say it to different age groups(which is quite a hard thing to do at times).Your view points are quite clear and I have a suggestion for you to make your post even more interesting. Maybe you can elaborate more on how you would communicate with the elderly and give appropriate examples as well.This would probably give us a much better understanding.

    Looking forward to reading your next post!!! Have a nice day!!!

  7. Hi Cher,

    Good point regarding the different ways needed to communicate with different age groups. I definitely agree with you that understanding the "language" of each group is essential to communicate effectively with them. I also think that besides understanding the "language" it is also important to have the "knowledge" when talking to them. This is because people from different age groups have also differing "knowledge" of the world around them. This is especially true where some youngsters fail to communicate effectively with older people due to the generation gap where they talk and know about different things. Good post with a good point though. Keep up the good work :)

  8. Thanks for all the comment.I am so glad that most of you are agree with my point of view regarding different ways are needed when we are communicating with different age groups.

  9. To Shi Wei,
    Thanks for your comments!I am glad that you do agree with my point of view regarding effective communication.It is my pleasure to know you.

  10. Brad,
    Thanks for your comments! I agree with your suggestion,( by adding my current communication context, my post will be a more complete story).

  11. Hi Shi Hui,
    Thanks for the comments! I am very glad that you agree with my point of view "communication difficulties when trying to communicate between different age group".

  12. Hi Daniel,
    Thanks for sparing time on reading my post and gave comments.Your suggestions and advices are very straight to the points.Thanks you once again.

  13. Hi Sau Yeen,
    Thanks for your comments!Your suggestion on elaborate more on how i would communicate with the elderly is very interesting.

  14. Hi Wee Siong,
    Thanks for your comments! I am glad that you agree with my point of view that understanding the "language" of each age group is essential to communicate effectively with them. You also able to give a good example "some youngsters fail to communicate effectively with older people due to the generation gap where they talk and know about different things".
